LASEEG strategic plan

The Further Education sector’s community action campaign – Good for ME Good for FE - is welcoming the Mental Health Foundation as the latest charity to come on board.

With 138 colleges signed up nationwide, the campaign is focused on generating social value by creating a long term, sustainable programme of community wealth; encouraging volunteering and fundraising across the country.

It has already surpassed its ambitious £1m target and is now focused on continuing this exceptional social impact drive and making it a sustainable part of college life.

The Mental Health Foundation has just launched a wellbeing pack specifically for the FE sector. This will be distributed to colleges with support from the GfMGfFE network – and includes tips and advice for improving and maintaining good mental health.

Further planned partnership activity will focus on Mental Health Awareness Week in May – helping to highlight the positive effect that volunteering and helping other people is proven to have on mental health.

Dr Sam Parrett CBE, Group Principal and CEO of London & South East Education Group – a founding member of Good for Me Good for FE, says: “We are delighted to welcome the Mental Health Foundation into our Good for ME Good for FE network and are grateful for the valuable contribution they are making. 

“Improving the mental health and wellbeing of our staff and students within our college communities is a key aim for our campaign. We know that helping others can greatly improve a person’s wellbeing and GfMGfFE is encouraging this throughout its network.

“Thanks to the amazing work of our colleges and partners, we have surpassed our ambitious target to generate £1m of social value – but have no intention of slowing down our efforts now! The support we are receiving from the Mental Health Foundation is fantastic and we look forward to taking this partnership forward.”

Lauren McConkey, Project Manager for Higher and Further Education at the Mental Health Foundation, says: “75% of mental health problems start before the age of 24, so we are pleased to help Good for Me Good for FE advise college students about how to protect and sustain their mental health.

“Our wellbeing pack offers simple and practical things that students can do in their daily lives for good mental health. We are proud to join this partnership.”

The Mental Health Foundation joins the FA, Scouts, NAVCA and SLQ Sports Leaders as partners of Good for Me Good for FE – all encouraging volunteering on a national scale to help the campaign generate social value and deliver social impact.

The Mental Health Foundation has been the UK’s leading charity for everyone’s mental health since 1949. With prevention at the heart of what we do, we aim to find and address the sources of mental health problems so that people and communities can thrive.  The Foundation is the home of Mental Health Awareness Week. 

To access the Mental Health Foundation’s wellbeing pack, visit:

For more information about Good for Me Good for FE visit: